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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

CARAMOAN│Cagbalinad Island: Good Spot for Snorkeling

Another Island explored after Lajos Island, the Cagbalinad Island. Before we proceed to the Island itself, we had snorkeling.

Island is so rich in marine life, you can see how much fish enjoy swimming with you without any feed (bread to attract fishes) and corals beautifully arranged under. It's like 5-10 meters away from the shore where this experience is no way impossible.
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Vest are provided by our tour guide and goggles are rented for 100 each. Well that cost is cheaper compared to what Island waters offer you.
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It's so good take pictures here because of it's clear waters and well marine life, but be sure to have good cameras as well. Charge it into full or bring extras, or you'll missed this underwater exploration like us. haha.
After snorkeling for about 30-45 mins, we went to the Island proper through hitching the boat's outrigger. It's really fun to be dragged though the water, so relaxing! :)

After feeling of sand touching our feet, we walked then to reach the Islands shore. Here it is, the Island. Actually it's beach isn't visible because of high tide. Compare it with the previous photos above.

You'll notice this huge rock in the middle once you've reached the shore. Underneath it lies many holes, like mini caves, which is more evident during low tides, however in high tides you have to submerge in water first to see it.

Then we climb on the said rock bare footed. It's kinda spiny in texture and it might hurt you so be careful. Also do not jump on waters if it's not that high, you might get injured. BTW, the view in our back is the Hunongan Beach.

Its a good thing we went there in high tide because we're able to jump and splash into the waters, maybe next time we'll try in low tide so we can take a good picture of it's sand and compared it on other Caramoan's Islands.

JULY 30, 2011
---felicitousgalaera :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

CARAMOAN│Lajos Island

After Matukad Island visit, we went to another Island named Lajos or Lahos which means "overflow" because the sea can wash over a part of this narrow island from one side to the other. Vewing from a far, you'll see a beautiful Island, it's like two separated rocks situated on a flat white sand paper and can be appreciated only during low tide.

This Island also has beautiful rock formations like in Matukad's, but in comparison with the sand consistency and color, Lajos has less finer and kinda yellowish one.
This Island is unique for it's appearance because of two prominent rocks act like two towers and passing through the middle will take you to the other side of the Island

This is the one side of the Island's beach front where we docked our boat. Kuya Joseph, our tour guide said that this is Island is owned by Bichara family and they let able people to rent it like the survivor show. Sometimes, people just camp there for their accomodation and just hire tour guides for the Island hoping and other possible activities in Caramoan 

I love this rock formation, Isn't that beautiful? For me it's like a huge coral reef. :) These rocks are not as high as those in Matukad but there are more bushes here

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Now, let's see why this Island called Lahos. Here's the two sides of the Island separated by a space of white sand. During High tide, this part of the Island is unseen.

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This is the other side of the Island, the one I'm talking about awhile ago. Swimming area is not that huge compare with the other side but it is also beautiful yet intriguing. I discovered something under it's rocks

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While swimming here, I saw a small jumping creature that looks like a tadpole (a little larger version) with 2 arms in front! Upon searching the internet, I discovered its name. It's a mud skipper (left). Actually I didn't saw it on mud, under a huge rock, (behind me on the picture) instead hiding on it's holes. I tried to catch it but it's hard, it skips so fast! Well It's my first time to see this one, I just thought that maybe it is the one mentioned on science books where evolution on animals came in..haha just linking to my high school lessons before.

After several attempts to catch the mud skippers, I gave up. I know I can't catch them with just bare hands, maybe next time i'll bring paraphernalias!haha. After several minutes staying on this beautiful Island, we're then off to next one! 

By the way we're planning to have camping here next time, to add excitement on our vacation and adventure and to reduce expenses as well! haha.

JULY 30, 2011
---felicitousgalaera :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

CARAMOAN│Matukad Island: My Most Favorite Island Destination

Our Island adventure begin when we left Bikal port about 2 in the afternoon and ride a medium sized boat with our tour guide Kuya Joseph. After passing by so many beautiful Islands, we didn't imagine that we'll land on this mesmerizing Island.

From a far, you'll see this beautiful huge rock inviting you to swim on its bluish waters from your boat up to the shore. This view is just a glimpse and be ready to unveil the beauty you never seen before and I tell you, you don't want to leave this Island after your first step!

After an hour we finally docked at the Matukad's shore. My first Matukad Island step was so unforgettable. I feel like stepping on a "Pulboron", (a filipino delicacy composed of powdered milk, sugar, and flour) and I can help but to enjoy it like a child.
The time we visited this Island, the locals are cleaning the whole Island because Survivor India will held their episode shoot there, luckily we went there first, we might not experienced this beautiful island. Imagine it's beauty that made foreign Survivor team keep coming back Caramoan?
Matukad Island got it's name from local term "Mataas" or Steep based on how limestone rocks appears around the Island. In this picture, this limestone rock formation got my attention, it looks like a throne of the ocean's king situated at the front of the shore.

Behind this spiny rocks lies an intriguing mystery. Our tour guide told us a story about a mysterious "Bangus" or milk fish that made the Island more popular.

See how spiny those rocks? It would seriously scratch your skin if you're not that cautious. Be careful upon holding and stepping on it, always follow what your guide told you to do so, like where you should step and hold on to.

Upon reaching the top, here's the Matukad Lagoon where the 6 kilos milk fish reside for about 20 years. Would it really be true that a fish can live this long? Unusual but true.Then after seeing the lagoon and heard about the story (click to discover it), we climbed a little more to move to a certain spot where you can appreciate the whole Island. 

Wow! the only word I said. This spot is so perfect I never regretted I had stone scratches and bruises on my legs. From here, you'll see how beautiful the whole Island is. See those Islands on our background? How about those sea grasses saying hi from the waters?

This is the other point of the perfect spot, here our background is Matukad's shore together with the beautiful huge rock. And see where we docked our boat, the area we came from down there?  Weew, a little bit tiring but it's really worth it.

Here's the perfect view from the perfect spot! Now you know why I really love this Island! I never imagined I could see this kind of scenery that I only saw on paintings.

After the rock climbing challenge, get tired and bathe in so much heat and sweat (eeew) we immediately plunge into Island's cold bluish waters. So relaxing and so fun! Moreover, we enjoyed snorkeling around  as well.

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I wasn't able to catch good underwater pictures that time but able to saw beautiful fishes even though the water is too shallow (about 1 ft. high). I can say that the Island is still rich from natural resources and nature.

Picture14I will never forget this great Island for its beautiful scenery, rock formations, powdered pure white sand, stories, snorkeling, rock climbing and swimming. All in one Island! That was my first time to do and see all those things in one particular place. So perfect, so beautiful. I know every people, adventurous or not, will definitely enjoy this place. I swear that you will really love this Island like I do. (this picture was taken under the huge round rock). After leaving the Island, I promised to myself that I will come back and hug this Island once again.

---felicitousgalaera :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

CARAMOAN│The Journey To The Mysterious Bangus

Caramoan has so many hidden beautiful beaches and Islands but there's a mystery behind one of it.
The most beautiful and the first Island we visited was Matukad Island. This Island has the finest sand among the Islands. You'll be mesmerized by its beautiful limestone formation as well, but behind these rocks lies a huge mystery.

Unveiling the mystery  isn't that easy, you should climb these rocks and reach the top to see the lagoon that houses it. Ok let's get it on!

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We have to pass this challenge to know the mysterious thing that made people amazed and elude at the same time. It's not that hard to climb these beautiful limestone formation. It's not that sharp and there are plenty of branches that you can hold on to. Actually it's an advantage for rock climbers and mountaineers, but if you have the guts, muscle strength and endurance you'll definitely reach the top!

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At last we're here. After Ascending those rocks, you have to descend in able get near the lagoon. We waited for awhile for the mysterious creature living here.

 Luckily we saw it, looks like it's finding for food and it's going towards our direction.

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According to our tour guide, the story behind this 6 kilos mysterious fish happened  about 20 years ago, where 2 Bangus "milk fish" with unknown origin lived in this lagoon. During that time a man with his son went out to search for food for their family, unexpectedly, they found the said lagoon hidden behind the limestone rocks. They saw the 2 milk fishes, caught 1, brought it home and ate it. The day after, the family died. Since then, no one ever tried to catch the Bangus left anymore. No one also know what's the gender of the said fish. I ask our tour guide, why shouldn't they put a couple of Bangus there so that it will have some friends hehe, plus they can breed that bangus to other bangus and it will live happily ever after!hehe. They just prefer to leave it like that share to tourists.
Hope you can see this mystical bangus and experience the challenge as well!

August 1,2011

Happy Gala!
---felicitousgalaera :)

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