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Friday, August 05, 2011

NAGA│CamSur WC Knee boarding: Perfect Start For Wakeboard Aspirants

After our Naga City tour, we went to CWC to experience the ever famous wakeboarding in the country.

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After turning right from the main road coming from Naga city, you'll see a sign board going to the CWC. According to our tour guide, the whole area was property of group of farmers before and was bought to commercialize and transform it to what is known for now. Along the way, you'll notice that the land field was totally transformed and more accommodations were added built by the farmers. Basically, they shift their job.

Knee boarding is perfect for wakeboarding aspirants because it'll help yourself to be comfortable with the board and the mechanical pull. It'll serve as your pre-wakeboarding expi. Upon entering the complex, we went to the registration area to decide what offers we want and also choose helmet and vest that'll fit.. (Rates as of July 30, 2011.)

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After your registration, you have to go to the board area where you'll be instructed about proper positioning,techniques and precautions. Then, get your knee board; it has standard size so don't worry you'll be fit on it no matter how big or small you are (hehe). Next, fall in line. It is not just for knee boarding, it's for wakeboarding as well so you have to wait until you're next, well it's not that long wait though. Tip: according to our guide, peak is during weekdays because of tourist and pros practicing there so better decide to go on weekends.

Positioning myself. Kneel..check, straps around my knees..check, grab handle firmly..check! Haha I was so nervous to try this but I really wanted to experience it. That was my first time and I just pretended to be brave hehe.

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Tips: You have to bend your body forward to lower your base of support to control the board efficiently and avoid counteracting too much wind force (in erect sitting) .Do not pull the bar, just bend your elbows and hold it firmly. You're like riding a motorcycle in kneeling position (hehe). Once you're off, you can relax your biceps a little but be sure to maintain the bent position. Also remember that there are areas that will pull you harder, so be sure to mark those points.
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Operators of the mechanical pull are nice they'll surely check your safety before starting., one of them is the guy in yellow (their uniform). Anyway, When you went out of balance or unable to hold the bar effectively, you have to swim back to the starting point and start falling in line again, hehe.

The wakeboards in different colors and design. Unfortunately , I don't have the time (we just took 2 hour session) and guts to try this one heheh, maybe next time.

The Lagoon. Notice that great background, the Mt. Isarog.

After the activity, you can wash and change your clothes their restrooms. This is like their receiving area together with our tour guide Kuya Mark (wearing violet).

The Knee Boarders: Raymond Rotairo and Me :))(7/30/11)
Tip: After the activity you'll feel muscle soreness especially beginners, as a PT, I advice you to gently stretch it for 30seconds and put an ice on the area afterwards 10mins.

---feliciotusgalaera :)


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